Black Olive Penguins
Black Olive Penguins
1 can small black olives
1 can large black olives
1 carrot sliced in 1/4” slices
Bocconcini Mozzarella Cheese balls
Slice whole carrot into slices, cutting a triangular notch out of each round slice. This will be the penguin’s feet.
Using the triangular notch from the feet, this will become the beak of the penguin
Slice the large black olive on one side down the middle (lengthwise). Place the mozzarella (bocconcini) ball inside the olive.
Using a paring knife, make a small incision in the middle of the small black olive, in which you will place the carrot notch.
Take the toothpick and stick it into the carrot slice (feet), then the large olive (with mozzarella), then placing the small black olive on the top as in the photo.
The first one goes rather slow as you learn to assemble the penguins, but the go rather fast after that (as long as you have assemble the penguin parts ahead of time)
These are cute and go fast. I must admit that they look better than they taste. The taste is rather bland, but cute none-the-less. I always am asked whether the penguins will make an appearance at the annual Christmas Party, and some disappointment if they don’t.
Things you'll need for this recipe...